The NSF SHREC Center is a research consortium founded under the auspices of the Industry-University Cooperative Research Centers (IUCRC) program at the National Science Foundation. It consists of over 30 university, industry, and government partners working together on basic and applied research as well as workforce development.
SHREC was originally founded in 2006 as the NSF Center for High-performance Reconfigurable Computing (CHREC), which operated until 2017, when it was reborn as the NSF Center for Space, High-performance, and Resilient Computing (SHREC), both being pronounced "shreck." Over the past 18 years, our Center has been recognized by NSF on multiple occasions as one of its most successful Centers.
The overarching theme in SHREC is mission-critical computing, with two areas of primary focus, space systems engineering and high-performance systems engineering. Researchers explore and develop new ideas and methods leading to new hardware and software technologies, featuring intelligent, parallel, reconfigurable, dependable, and distributed computing. Projects feature advanced algorithms, architectures, sensors, apps, networks, services, and missions, from satellites to supercomputers.